If you have flowers to preserve now, you will need to send or bring them to our location as soon as possible. If this is during normal business hours, please call us at 561-367-0977. You will ship them using next-day delivery on the first business day after the event. We are accepting flowers during the COVID crisis but ask that you email or leave a voicemail if you are shipping flowers. We would like to be able to track the shipment so we are here to receive the flowers.
If you live close to our location in South Florida, you can choose to bring the flowers to our office in Boca Raton. If you would like information regarding courier pickup of your flowers at your wedding reception, please call us prior to your wedding. During the COVID crisis we have reduced hours in the office but can receive your flowers if you contact us prior.
Our local phone number is 561-367-0977.
Hydrate your flowers! If the flowers are in a bouquet holder, hold the bouquet over a sink and pour water into the center of the bouquet. If the flowers have stems, trim and place in a vase of water. You can remove any ribbon and send along with the flowers.
Keep them cool! If possible, place in a refrigerator but DO NOT FREEZE. If they are in a refrigerator that contains food, please cover your flowers loosely with a plastic bag so they do not react with any fruit/vegetables. Remove the plastic bag before shipping.
Choose a cardboard box the size of bouquet. If you have a freezer pack (frozen) as for lunchboxes, tape to bottom of box. Do not use ice cubes. If you need to cut the stems a bit, no problem because we also cut stems when received. Lightly pad the box with crumbled newspaper, tissue paper, or Styrofoam so the bouquet does not bounce around. Do not wrap flowers in a plastic bag because they will sweat. Enclose contact information (name, address, phone, email) in box. A deposit is required of $185 which will be applied to the keepsake you choose later. For this initial deposit we accept a personal check, Visa, or MasterCard. Please include this information in the box or call in to our office.
We suggest using the US Post Office because it is less expensive than other methods of shipping. Ask for Priority Express “next day” delivery and most important ask for a “signature confirmation”. The Post office bases the cost on size of box, weight, and address so keep box size at a minimum. If you would like to send 2nd day delivery it should be ok as long as you use the freezer pack.
If you prefer to use an alternate shipping company, we suggest UPS. Our office opens at 10:00 am for deliveries. If possible, do not use Fedex. They do not always deliver to the correct address.
Forever Flowers
1738 Avenida Del Sol
Boca Raton, FL 33432
Keepsake prices are determined by size and any options you might select. Your keepsake does not need to be finalized for a few weeks because it takes a minimum of 6 weeks to complete the freeze-dry preservation process. We preserve the whole bouquet unless previously arranged. We also have smaller keepsakes that can hold a few precious blooms as opposed to the whole bouquet. Let us know before flowers are placed in the freeze-dryer if that is your intention.
Copyright Forever Flowers 2025